thank you for everything you are doing for wine - RoberMondavi thanks Catherine Fallis, MS, for her service to the wine industry

if you're one of Catherine's clients, you're in good company

You're a wine lover. Perhaps a family celebrating a wedding. Or a community of friends celebrating life and each other. Or maybe you represent an organization - in Finance, High-Tech, Hospitality, Human Resources, or Organizational Development. Maybe a Restaurant. Maybe in the Wine Trade. Putting on an event. Or just learning about and enjoying good wine!

Whoever you are, you're in good company if you're one of Master Sommelier Catherine Fallis' satisfied clients. Like Apple, Black Rock, Charles Schwab, Goldman Sachs, Jamber Wine Pub, Lion Street, MagnaChip, Mina, Napa Valley Vintners, Oracle, PayPal, TeamBonding, Tilera, and Wells Fargo. To name just a happy few.

logos of select planet grape® clients: Apple, Black Rock, Charles Schwab, Jamber Wine Pub, Goldman Sachs, Lion Street, MagnaChip, Mina, Oracle, PayPal, teambonding, Tilera, Napa Valley Vintners, Wells Fargo.

If you, too — or your family, friends, or organization — would like to celebrate a planet grape® event, consult with Master Sommelier Catherine Fallis about wine, invite her to a speaking engagement, host a wine tasting or champagne sabering, please let us know. We'll be in touch.


if you love wine


planet grape's&reg grape goddess&reg&mdashbringing wine down to earth



—  bringing wine down to earth —  

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